
Welcome to my webpage!

I am tenure CNRS researcher at INSA de Lyon (LaMCoS, UMR 5259).

I am working with the multi-scale analysis of different materials using both simulations and experimental techniques.

This is my scientific website where you can find some information about me and my research.

If you find the topic interesting, do not hesitate to contact me!


Latest Events

7-11 July, 2025 - Mini-symposium @ESMC2025 Lyon, France

We are organising a mini-symposium on the recent advancements of plasticity and damage mechanics at the 12th European Solid Mechanics Conference (ESMC2025) in Lyon, France.
Abstract submission is open until the 20th of November, 2024.

24 Sept, 2024 - Presentation @MMM11 Prague, Czech Republic

I am going to present result on the toughness of silicate glasses at the MMM-11 conference in Prague with the title: "The Atomistic Origin of Fracture Toughness in amorphous silica"

19 June, 2024 - Presentation @ChallengingGlass2024 Delft, Netherlands

I am going to present result on the use of phase-field on structural glass facture at the Challenging Glass conference in Delft with the title: "Challenges in Phase-Field Modeling of Glass Fracture"

29 May, 2024 - Presentation @EMMC19 Madrid, Spain

I am going to present result on the toughness of silicate glasses at the EMMC19 conference in Madrid with the title: "The Atomistic Origin of Fracture Toughness in amorphous silica"

9 May, 2024 - Presentation @NewFrac2024 Porto, Portugal

I am going to present result on the toughness of silicate glasses at the NewFrac2024 conference in Porto with the title: "The Atomistic Origin of Fracture Toughness in amorphous silica"

6 Jan, 2024 - Presentation @ICPDF Panama City, Panama

I am going to present result on the difference between the toughness and strength of materials at the International Conference on Plasticity, Damage, and Fracture conference in Madrid with the title: "Exploring the origins of size effect in fracture - The role toughness and strength"

12 Sept, 2023 - Presentation @EUROMECH COLLOQUIUM 635 Lyon, France

I will present result on the correlation between toughness and the EUROMECH COLLOQUIUM on finite fracture mechanics with the title: "Crack initiation in pure mode I, II and III loading"

5 Sept, 2023 - Presentation @COMPLAS2023 Barcelona, Spain

I will present result on the toughness of beam lattices at COMPLAS 2023 with the title: "From microstructure to fracture toughness"

21 June, 2023 - Presentation @CFRAC2023 Prague, Czech Republic

I will present result on pure anti plane shear fracture at CFRAC 2023 with the title: "Crack facet initiation in pure Mode III fracture"

3-5 April, 2023 - Colloque Plasticité 2023 Lyon, France

We are organising the Plasticité conference in Lyon, France.
Abstract submission is open until the 31st of January, 2023.

18 Jan, 2023 - Presentation @NewFrac2023 Torino, Italy

I will present result on the correlation between toughness at NewFrac 2023 with the title: "A detailed comparison between the coupled criterion and the phase-field method for fracture simulation"

27 June, 2022 - Presentation @ICG26 Berlin, Germany

I will results using the phase-field method on micro-scale silicate glass samples at the 26th International Conference on Glass with the title: "Competition of shear and brittle failure under micro-compression in silica"

27 June, 2022 - Presentation @ECF23 Madeira, Portugal

I will present result on the correlation between strength and length scale at the 23d European Conference on Fracture with the title: "Correlation found between the tensile strength and the length scale parameter in phase-field fracture based on the coupled criterion"

5 April, 2022 - Presentation @EMMC Oxford, UK

I will present result on the correlation between strength and length scale at the 23rd European Conference on Fracture with the title: "A detailed comparison between the coupled criterion and the phase-field method for fracture simulation"

9 Sept, 2021 - Presentation @COMPLAS2021 Barcelona, Spain

I will present result on the correlation between strength and length scale at COMPLAS 2021 with the title: "Size effect in fracture based on the coupled criterion and the phase-field method"

11-15 Jan, 2021 - Virtual presentation @WCCM14 Paris, France

I will present result on the correlation between strength and length scale at 14th WCCM 2021 with the title: "Toughness or strength? The phase-field study on the material’s strength using the coupled criterion"

9 Sept, 2019 - Presentation @COMPLAS2019 Barcelona, Spain

I will present result on dynamic fracture toughness at COMPLAS 2019 with the title: "Analysis of the impact of plasticity on the effective toughness in dynamic fracture - using the phase field method"

14 May, 2019 - Presentation @DGG93 Nürnberg, Germany

I will present result on an atomic scale inspired yield criterion for glass at the 93rd DGG Meeting with the title: "Yield criterion developed from atomic-scale simulations and verified by micro-scale experiments"

14 Dec, 2017 - Workshop @3SR University of Grenoble Alpes

I am going to demonstrate how the phase-field element works in ABAQUS.
The workshop will be held on the 14th of December 2017 (1270 rue de la piscine 38400 Saint martin d’Hères, France

27-28 Nov, 2017 - Workshop GDR MéPhy @ESPCI ParisTech

I am going to speak about the open source implementation of diffused fracture model.
The workshop will be held on the 27th and 28th of November 2017 (10 Rue Vauquelin, 75005 Paris, France). The schedule and other talks can be found on the homepage of GDR MéPhy here.

17 Nov, 2017 - Seminar @PMMH ESPCI ParisTech

I am invited to keep a seminar at Laboratory PMMH with the title: Multiscale methods for the analysis of plastic deformation of amorphous materials.
The seminar will be held at 11 am on the 17th of November 2017 (10 Rue Vauquelin, 75005 Paris, France).

18 Oct, 2017 - Poster @ICC2017 Fukuoka, Japan

I am going to participate in a poster session on the ICC 2017 conference in Fukuoka with the title: "Multiscale mechanical analysis of cellulose nanofibril suspensions"

18 Sep, 2017 - Seminar @GeM École centrale de Nantes

I am invited to keep a seminar at École centrale de Nantes about the microscopic simulation developed on silicate glasses.
The seminar will be held at 2 pm on the 18th of September 2017 in the LS2N buillding (1 Rue de la Noë, 44300 Nantes, France).

22 Jun, 2017 - Seminar @3SR University of Grenoble Alpes

I am invited to keep a seminar at Laboratory 3SR with the title: Multi-scale analysis of the strength of silicate glasses.
The seminar will be held at 2 pm on the 22th of June 2017 at Bâtiment Galilée (1270 rue de la piscine 38400 Saint martin d’Hères, France).

12 Feb, 2017 - Seminar @MATEIS INSA de Lyon

I am invited to keep a seminar at MATEIS with the title: Multi-scale analysis of the strength of silicate glasses.
The seminar will be held at 1 pm on the 12th of February 2017 at the Blaise Pascal building in room P-G. de Gennes.

02 Jan, 2017 - New postdoc @3SR Grenoble

I have started working in Grenoble at 3SR laboratory on the multi-scale modeling of cellulose nanofibrils with Orgéas Laurent in a joint project with David Rodney (ILM), Karim Mazeau, Yoshiharu Nishiyama (Cermav), Pierre Dumont and Florian Martoïa (INSA de Lyon).